Which class(es) to take & what to know!

  • Free Intro Classes

    Mondays weekly 5:30pm to 6:15pm

    April 8th through July 15th (and occasionally 2nd Saturdays 5:15-6pm)

    Dress Casual & no partner necessary!

    Come every Monday! It is free & encouraged.

    This class explores movement and connection potential without repetitive sequences.

    These free 45 minute classs are designed to relay the feeling of tango and its potential.

    You will never have to think “where do my feet go?” This style has been touted as good couples’ therapy, too.

  • Tango 1: Beginnings-13 | Compás

    2-3 classes available each week.

    We learn how to move and why it works through body awareness, sound technique, and also by having fun! Tango is fun and this style of learning and dancing maintain equality between dancer.

    We use “Inviter” and “Realizer” and believe both roles are equal and the share the same technique of movement.

    Learning tango is an orientation and experience of “tastes.” Think of this offering of classes as a guided experience to feel comfortable and empowered to explore the vast landscape of all the variations of Tango.

    We hone social Argentine tango.

    We leave the door open to explore milonguero-style (often excluded) and the other lovely styles, as well.

  • Tango 2: The Boss Essentials

    Thursdays 7:15pm to 8:45pm

    Essentials is the continuation from Beginnings | Compas with more in-depth introduction to really cool elements for your tango foundation. There are vast landscapes to survey and try out.

    Think of Essentials as main dishes (Beginnings would be “tapas”) to savor the possibilities as we strengthen our dance..

    We will explore in rotation:

    • Musicality

    • The Walks, walking, la caminata

    • Gathering dynamics

    • Turns | giros

    Each class we will hone a little more our embrace(s), floorcraft, connections and centering.

  • Tango 3: Explorations

    Tuesdays 6:00pm to 7:30pm

    Tango 3: Explorations (formerly “Jardineres” and “El Roce” classes) are drop-in / punchcard-8 classes

    A minimum 6 months experience or prior-OK from Graham. You will need a firm foundation in order to gain benefit from Tango 3: Explorations.

    Tango 3: Explorations will revolve around

    • Musicality dynamics

    • Embrace dynamics

    • Floorcraft Expression

    • milonga & vals classes

    • Orchestra explorations