Joaquín Amenábar

Musicality Workshops

2025 Save the Dates!

April 5-6th (+guided practicas 8th & 10th)!

New Book

Available later this Autumn 2024!

click image above to go directly to his website

Saturday April 5th , 2025

Workshop 1: Tango Rhythm: Rhythmic units of Tango music. Simple, double and half-time step: Using these units while dancing tango.

Workshop 2: Dancing the melody in Tango: Melodic phrases, accentuation system. What is the “melodic rhythm” and how to dance to it?

Workshop 3: The Tango Style: Elements of the  "Tango style": “Cadencia”, "Arrastre", different types of phrasing, the contrast system. Era’s style and Orchestra’s style.

Sunday April 6th, 2025

Workshop 4: Functional aspects of dancing the melody. Dancing the melody or dancing the basic Rhythm:  Predictability of the leader’s movements by the follower. Specificity of the dance. Changes in the roll of the leader depending if he is following the rhythm or the melody. Importance of the orchestra style if we dance the rhythm or if we dance the melody.

Workshop 5: 5 elements matrix for improvising to the melody.  Improvisation base that will allow you to improvise to any melody in all directions and also, will allow you to include in it your already known figures. 

Workshop 6: Milonga rhythmic units: Simple time, double time, traspié , lisa , corrida.

April 8 &10th 2025

Guided Prácticas

~ Tools for Honing Skills ~

with Joaquín Amenábar